Looking back to those times I actually  viewed your smile .. and knowing in my mind - you are not  here with me .

Everyday that passe's I never thought to think of you .. but you in our military services ..day to day defending our country - for our freedom

for Our next breath of air - for another tomorrow ... what happened to my heart? why is it that daily I go about duty's .. and no thoughts of you in mind ..

Why is it that memory's have to be instilled in my mind ... someone having to remind me that you laid your life on the line .. for my next breath of air

Why do people forget those who are Brave , who gave Heart , who had no choice but to be Strong .... and what about those , who lost a life , a limb , or every part that can be seen .

Why is it we as people go about our ways - putting these thought aside ..

now that your a Veteran ... how many people have Heart for you ..  and how many can Thank You for that Breath of Air you gave for another Tomorrow .

Veterans Remembrance